COVID 19 Spike Producing Drugs Are Not Good for Your Heart
C19 "vaccines" cause cardiac damage according to Pfizer clinical trial data, data from post marketing surveillance, government databases, almost daily media reports, and autopsy findings
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) strikes with very little warning.
The histopathological basis of SADS has been defined by German Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt.
Myocarditis is not benign.
10 Year Follow Up of Myocarditis after Viral Illness
“…almost 40% of the affected patients died within the next ten years, most of them from a cardiac cause, one in ten suffered sudden cardiac death.”
Dr. Veronika Schlimpert reviews a 10 year Follow Up Study.
Translation: Late effects of viral myocarditis: Many die within 10 years