Hubris: 21st Century Version
Hubris describes a personality quality of extreme or excessive pride or dangerous overconfidence and complacency, often in often in combination with arrogance.- [paraphrased from Wikipedia]
The Fall of Icarus 1637 by Jacob Peter Gowy
Kariko and Wiseman displaying their Nobel Prize trophies. Masking accents the farce. Let’s ask DOGE to check out funding of the Nobel related enterprises by US AID. This looks like one of their projects.
Sabine Stabel is a protein engineer educated in Germany,
Dr. Sabine Stebel’s expertise is in protein engineering and directed evolution, clearly a unique area of knowledge shared by very few scientists. After three years of pandemic scare and injection fraud, however, we have emerged into a new world where it seems that our health and even survival depend on how much each one of us understands about the very processes of molecular biology that build the cell and produce the proteins of life.
Sabine writes a substack,, mostly in German. She is very knowledgeable and direct so no games. Below is a recent article of hers (that I translated from German with DeepL) in which she points out basic knowledge deficits in the Nobel Laureates. Thanks to Sabine for permission to share her work. Sabine, you are doing good work so keep it up.
Every step in the development of their prize winning gene therapy product was flawed.
Here is a brief outline.
1. Platform flaws: Katelin Kariko is a co-author on the first paper (Sahin, et al).
Foreign proteins manufactured after being introduced as a Trojan horse into a host elicit intense reactions of many forms that manifest as multiple disease states. Autoimmunity is only one major flaw in this platform.
2. Incomplete Animal studies:
Basic studies were simply not done. Additionally, two different preparations were trialed, BNT162b2 Version 8 and Version 9 without a complete set of studies for both. Version 9 was selected.
Numbers 2, 5, 10, 15 and 16 tell us these studies were never done as Document 2.4 was submitted as final documentation for approval.
The photograph below features a scientist on the right asking simple questions of the Pfizer Exec on the left and the father of vaccines, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, MD in the middle.
Wikipedia has this chilling description of Dr. Plotkin’s past work,
In 2018 deposition as a part of a Michigan court case, Stanley Plotkin testified to DTP vaccines being used in developing nations, namely in South and Central America and Africa, despite there being a significantly greater death rate amongst those who got the DPT vaccine.[20]
Plotkin also admitted that children of mothers in prison, orphans, people with disabilities to include mental disabilities, populations in developing countries and other underprivileged groups were experimented on by vaccine researchers and developers. He has also admitted to personally using some of these vulnerable groups as subjects of experimental vaccines. [20]
During the same deposition, a letter to the New England Journal Medicine came to light. In that letter, Dr. Plotkin expressed concerns about conducting experiments on fully functioning adults and children who are potential contributors to society, instead of using human subjects who are “human in form, but not in social potential.” [21] This statement has been criticized for its perceived dehumanization of individuals with disabilities.
Not knowing how much toxic spike protein is produced, where exactly it is produced and for how long it hangs around is mind boggling. (See below) Do they even know exactly what proteins are produced? They have not produced any documentation on the subject.
In the Comment section below the picture, Jessica Rose has a single word analysis. Jessica is brilliant and has advanced degrees in multiple pertinent subject areas. She has a keen interest in this subject.
3. Incomplete Clinical trials:
Required for a trial of an experimental gene therapy product was a minimum two year randomized, double blind placebo controlled clinical trial adequately powered and designed. The trial initiated was terminated 22 months early. Adverse event data and millions of laboratory results have not been disclosed.
The COVID19 “vaccines” were never tested in pregnant women and their babies. This form of negligence should have ended with the Thalidomide disaster in the 1960’s that was pulled from the market after 10,000 children were born with congenital deformities, 40% of which were fatal. Others had severe limb deficiencies.
It is well established that females have 3 times the number of adverse events compared with males and 16% of them affect the reproductive systems. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of biopsy and autopsy specimens reveal activated lymphocyte mediated destruction in the entire reproductive systems of both males and females.
4. Bait and Switch
The preparation of BNT162b2 used in the preclinical testing and clinical trials was a polymerase chain reaction process that was not scalable. A completely untested substitute contaminated with SV40 code was used in billions of doses administered around the world.
These doses were particularly toxic in females. Our analysis of Pfizer and VAERS data found similar results in regards to the toxicity in females. Men had fewer adverse events but a higher fatality rate.
COVID 19 was a medical problem for elderly with multiple comorbidities in care facilities. The COVID19 gene therapy products caused death and disease in all age groups.
5. Pharmacovigilence:
Abundant Red Flag Warnings have been documented in 3,400 scientific papers, multiple books and lay targeted articles beginning with Pfizer’s documentation from the first 10 weeks of post marketing use, 1223 deaths, over 140,000 adverse events in 42,000 people.
Proper autopsies have rarely been performed presumably another victory of Samantha Power at USAID.
At autopsy, this middle school athlete was found to have severe lymphocyte infiltration of eight organs. Shown with permission from Nushida, et al.
This is just one manifestation of new disease states like Multisystem Inflammatory Disease in Children not seen following “vaccines” until Kariko and Wiseman’s Nobel prize winning discovery was deceptively foisted on populations around the world.
The corrupt and incompetent leadership at the federal level is doing everything in its power to not see this human tragedy.