Reproductive Harms Following COVID-19 Gene Therapy Products- Review and Update
Spike proteins from "vaccines" have been found in multiple organs associated with reproduction.
1. Pfizer Confidential Document 2.4 demonstrated widespread distribution of LNP/mRNA throughout the body including the ovaries in Wistar-Han rats.
This Pfizer study was translated into Japanese becoming the “Japanese” study.
Pitch and Catch: End organ tissue levels were rising at the conclusion of the only biodistribution study performed. Note the 42% retention at the deposition site at 48 hours. This means more LNP/mRNA is potentially available for systemic vascular and lymphatic distribution. (The x-axis is non linear but the time period from 24-48 hours shows upward trajectory.)
A proper biodistribution study is just one of the omissions of the Pre-Clinical testing.
What follows is a list of topics that were not studied in the Pre-Clinical (mice, rats and non human primates) testing of BNT162b2 by Pfizer/BioNTech:
1. Secondary pharmacodynamics. P14¶1
2. Safety pharmacology: “No safety pharmacology studies were conducted with BNT162b2 as they are not considered necessary for the development of vaccines according to the WHO guideline (WHO, 2005).” P.14¶2
3. Pharmacodynamic Drug Interactions: “Nonclinical studies evaluating pharmacodynamic drug interactions with BNT162b2 were not conducted as they are not generally considered necessary to support development and licensure of vaccine products for infectious diseases (WHO, 2005).” P14¶3.
4. No pharmacokinetic studies were performed with BNT162b2 and “...are generally not considered necessary to support the development and licensure of vaccine products for infectious diseases (WHO, 2005, WHO, 2014).” P17¶1.
5. “The protein encoded by the RNA in BNT162b2 is expected to be proteolytically degraded like other endogenous proteins. RNA is degraded by cellular RNases and subjected to nucleic acid metabolism. Nucleotide metabolism occurs continuously within the cell, with the nucleoside being degraded to waste products and excreted or recycled for nucleotide synthesis. Therefore, no RNA or protein metabolism or excretion studies will be conducted.” P20¶3
6. Genotoxicity: “No genotoxicity studies are planned for BNT162b2 as the components of the vaccine construct are lipids and RNA are not expected to have genotoxic potential (WHO 2005).” P29 ¶3.
7. “Carcinogenicity studies with BNT162b2 have not been conducted as the components of the vaccine are lipids and RNA and are not expected to have carcinogenic or tumorigenic potential.” P29 ¶4. (WHO 2005)
8. Phototoxicity. P30.
9. Mechanistic studies. P30.
10. Target organ toxicity: “Based on data from the GLP repeat-dose toxicity studies, administration of BNT162b2 was well tolerated without any evidence of systemic toxicity.” P31 ¶5.
11. Dependence. P31.
12. Metabolites. P31.
13. Impurities. P31.
14. Microanatomy studies of blood vessels, heart, lungs, and brain are not documented.
15. Biodistribution of mRNA was not specifically studied.
16. Biodistribution and toxicity studies of mRNA S protein were not referenced.
Some of these vital omissions will be discussed further in a future article.
Ovaries take up more LNP/mRNA than Testes.
Additional organ uptake is presented graphically below.
2. Harms have been identified in most organ systems as identified in Pfizer’s Confidential Document 5.3.6.
Widespread distribution of spike producing mRNA has resulted in widespread manifestations of CoVAx Disease.
The file below lists the diagnoses associated with the release of BNT162b2 from December 2020- February 28, 2021. The list has grown since.
3. Women in particular have been adversely affected.
Now we are seeing disease states in multiple systems including the female reproductive system.
Women accounted for 72% of Adverse Events recorded in Pfizer’s Confidential Document 5.3.6. This observation has held up over time in multiple data sets although the exact percentage varies. Young men are affected with myopericarditis more than young women.
4. Histopathological Analysis Points to LNP/mRNA as the Cause.
We learned from Dr. Burkhart’s Group that spike protein and inflammatory cell infiltration has been found in the uterus, ovaries, and pituitary all of which are involved in regulating the female hormonal cycle and maintaining normal organ function.
Below: Uterus with inflammatory cells after “vaccine”.
Below: Ovary with inflammatory cells after “vaccine”.
Below: “The pituitary of one individual had necrosis (red arrow) or death of part of the organ.” (A. Burkhardt). The black arrow points to unaffected tissue.
5. With every part of the reproductive cycle under attack it is not too surprising that Pfizer’s data showed harms to the menstrual cycle from the gene therapy products.
Multiply by at least 30. This data is over a year old.
6. Now, we have even more evidence of reproductive harms from COVID-19 “vaccines”.
7. Lastly, reproductive harms have been detected at the population level.
Decline in live births has been detected after C19 gene therapy products.
Developed countries in general have experienced a long term trend of declining live births.
Change in population is multifactoral. One looks for acceleration and deceleration signals in the data.
Acceleration in the death rate combined with deceleration in the live birth rate produces a double hit on populations already in decline.
Where are they now that they have a real cause to protest?