Thorn In The Flesh - How The Corona "Vaccine" - Induced Spike Protein Causes Damage- Burkhardt, Lang and Schwartz
The Reutlingen Group's monograph based on histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of 90 autopsies and 55 biopsies is quite possibly the World's largest collection of its kind.
Pictured above from left to right: Dr. Walter Lang holding a picture of Dr. Burkhardt, Oksana Faul, Ulrike Buschbacher, Enza Haider, and PD Dr. Norbert Schwartz. This document was provided by Dr. Schwartz.
Excerpts from the Monograph: (Bold added)
1. Why are the Corona “vaccines” more damaging than the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
Spike Coding modRNA of „Vaccines“ is more similar to Human RNA and more efficient in Spike Production than the RNA of the Virus
In order to optimize the spike protein production through cells of the vaccinee the modRNA was designed to 1) increase the transcription efficiency and thus the spike production by up to hundred-fold and to 2) lengthen the time the modRNS is transcriptionally active, as it is “humanized” making it less prone to degradation through the immune system.
2. How does the “vaccine” cause damage?
The humanisation of the corona- “vaccine” spike-modRNA was intended to trick the immune system, not to detect the modRNA as foreign thus avoiding a rapid elimination through phagocytes. When after days to weeks the specific immune system starts producing antibodies and specific immune cells against the humanised modRNA antigens, cross-reactions with structures of the human body have to be expected.
3. What accounts for Sex Differences?
The localization of the ACE2-gene on the X-chromosome is remarkable (Tipnis et al. 2000) as it implicates possible differences between men and women regarding spike induced ACE2 axis disruptions after corona “vaccination” or SARS-CoV2 infections: women have two x-chromosomes, men only one. Due to diploidity of the 46 chromosomes counting human set of chromosomes, all genes have a duplicate on the partner chromosome (2x23 = 46 chromosomes). Usually, the respective gene on one of the partner chromosomes is inactivated, but can be regarded as a “reserve”. The only exception is the sex chromosome of the man that consist of an X-chromosome and a Y-chromosome. Consequently, the genes on the X-chromosome are only present once, while women also have a reserve gene for x-chromosomal genes. Some genes of the X-chromosome are only slightly down regulated or not down regulated at all. This also seems to apply to the ACE2 gen, which implies that there is a higher ACE2-expression in women (Tipnis et al. 2000).
4. What other explanation do you have for observed sex differences in adverse events following Corona “vaccination”?
ACE2 receptors are expressed by different testicular cells, such as the testosterone producing Leydig cells, the Sertoli cells and sperm cells (spermatogonia and spermatozoons) (Wang and Xu 2020; Aitken 2021).
ACE2 is also expressed in female reproductive organs, such as the ovaries, the uterus, the vagina and also abundantly in the placenta (Jing et al. 2020). Also, in the developing ovaries of the female foetus, ACE2 receptors are present in high numbers (Kong et al. 2021). This implies potential damages through SARS-CoV-2 infections, but also of corona „vaccine“-induced spike proteins on future fertility of female foetuses, whose developing oocytes were exposed in utero (Solis-Moreira 2021).
5. What accounts for myopericarditis?
In individuals who had died after corona “vaccinations”, the pathologists Burkhardt and Lang observed damages of arterial vessels of all calibres, including vessels of vital importance, such as the coronary arteries. Typical findings after corona vaccination at arteries and arterioles are lymphocytic inflammations, media necrosis, swelling of vessel wall- cells and layers, disruptions of elastic fibres and formation of “cushions” at the inner vessel wall. Typically, the spike protein can be detected using marked antibodies (immunohistochemistry) especially in myofibroblasts.
This is a small sampling of this remarkable monograph.
The authors‘ and their assistants deserve praise for producing a unique collection of histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses of autopsy and biopsy specimens documenting the cellular, tissue, organ and whole person damage from COVID-19 gene therapy products.
Question is why? Why sacrifice medical 'science' and the medical 'profession' on the alter of profit?