Nice wrap up, now the receipts.
1. Total media control has been the stated objective.
2. Radicalization and control of one of the political parties was necessary.
Woke ideology was simply a means to an end. The people at the top probably had some good laughs about their devotees zealously believing nonsense.
And, they were well paid.
3. Near total control was achieved.
4. Large Scale Social Deception through Social Engineering was premeditated.
5. Bring in the Influencers to promote the vast money laundering operation called Ukraine. Human life had little value.
6. Techniques were developed over decades. Gas lighting, truth inversion, fear, deflection, wrap up smear, ad hominem attacks, doxxing, de-platforming, censorship, denial of banking services, loss of job, social stigma through name calling were some of the specific techniques employed.
Additional techniques developed in academic experimental psychology research added more sophisticated methods like “triggering” and mind shut down methods that are applications of classical conditioning. They were very effective in dividing the country.
The Milgrom, Asch and Zimbardo contributions were incorporated into the design as was Hannah Arendt’s exploration of the “banality of evil” from the Eichmann trial.
And, we haven’t even gotten to the elephant.
By contemporary standards, Eichmann would not be executed.
How about these monsters.
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