EudraVigilance Fraud Follow-up (Part 4): Hiding C19 clot shot DEATHS as other concomitant medications! Just like VAERS
Part 3: HERE
OMG! I think this is so big, I will need to rebuild my EudraVigilance Dashboard from scratch again. Ugggh!
Here is my problem. I was going through and collecting all adverse events and symptoms (MedDRA codes) from column K and associating to the “suspected” substances in the “drug list” Column L only.
As I’m zeroing in my eagle eyes, I’m realizing there are many reports where EudraVigilance is calling a covid-19 jab a Concomitant Medication and not the suspected substance? Three and half years into this depopulation agenda, you can easily see how this could happen.
The 17 quick examples from the EudraV raw data above are dead people, symptom of death and fatal outcome, C19 jab is not “suspected” but is recorded as a concomitant medication. Here’s some actual reports:
Now why would you believe EudraVigilance is counting these deaths and other serious events in the C19 vax jab stats ledger? VAERS does not, why would the EMA? If there’s a EudraV expert out there that can confirm if concomitant meds are officially counted let me know, meanwhile here is some VAERS C19 deaths definitely not counted by anybody but :
I’m moving fast! Gotta run. This is one gigantic scam by governments and global institutions. God Bless.