"Fraudulent Vaccines"- Bhakdi, Reiss and Palmer (Germany); "Genetically Modified Organisms"- Gillespie (Australia) and Cooper (UK)
Experimental Gene Therapy Products are discussed in view of the voluminous documentation (in spite of government censorship and harassment) that has accrued in the past 3+ years.
Last Judgement, Berner Münster, Bern Switzerland
Drs. Bhakdi , Reiss and Palmer
Dr. Bhakdi’s passion and concern are expressed clearly. As clearly stated in an earlier article, Dr. Buckhaults said there is no proof that bacterial DNA incorporates into human DNA. The same goes for modRNA incorporation into human genetic material. Dr. Bhakdi has an MD degree and specialized in microbiology and he has a qualified opinion. His statement about genetic modification of humans is best taken as a hypothesis but the hypothesis must be tested.
“Today, here and now, we are facing the realization that governments
around the globe have installed a satanic program that has maimed,
killed and genetically modified millions of hapless humans around the
globe.” page 6
Dr. Cooper and Attorney Gillespie Video
Dr. Cooper has a gift for communication of complex medical literature using understandable language. An early “vaccine” advocate he changed to the opposite viewpoint based on medical reports.
His guest, a non practicing attorney, provides an comprehensive overview of the whole SARS-CoV2/COVID19 debacle.
There is plenty to think about after spending 2+ hours with these five people.
It does seem we are witnessing a major event in human history. Not all are aware of the significance of matters at hand most likely because the mainstream media distorts, inverts, or simply hides them.
What do you think?
Carizzo Plain, California. North American Plate on the left, Pacific Plate on the right. Here two massive chunks of earth’s crust are colliding, at times violently.