Do you suspect that good data following individual women from a) not pregnant to b) pregnant to c) completion of pregnancy one way or another, relative to covid vaccination, is available in databases as would be kept by Kaiser in the US? Dream a little dream. Perhaps this has been addressed in an earlier post? Thank you.

It seems planned in advance, to only use data for public consumption resulting from voluntary sign up with v-safe, mysteriously authorized further registration, voluntary answers to calls/texts, and mysterious lack of follow-up that itself is only self-reported. Not unlike the mysterious exclusions in the clinical trials. Not unlike casting doubt on vaers because it is possible, dimly possible, to self-report an adverse event.

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We should have had solid data by now but I am still looking for it.

Yes, Kaiser would under normal circumstances, have produced both numerators and denominators with historic data for comparison.

I believe data collection has been actively suppressed.

We should have a rich literature from autopsy studies in the first two weeks after LNP/mRNA. We don't. Those who attempted to collect it have been attacked.

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