thanks for this info! It would be good to use a UNIQUE shortcuts, NCI can also stand for National Cancer Institute... The illegally (without consent) introduced GENE MODIFICATION treatments, mildly speaking 'gene therapies', which became the everyday's covid 'vaccines' is the biggest crime on this planet, and I'm afraid MANY of these docs on this list, knowingly PARTICIPATE in it, while NOT informing uneducated people what was done to them. In EU almost every one is talking these days about covid gene therapies, or gene based injections, everywhere, BUT NOT IN US, the land of the Rockefellers and Carnegies, the ones who gave medical licenses to all those above mentioned MD's. It is a CRIME beyond imagination. Thus the title of this post is WRONG, mod mRNA (NOT native mRNA BUT MODIFIED synthetic genetic material to extend its lifetime AND lower immune response), should be properly named in every single public document! RNA, no matter which form represent GENETIC MATERIAL, since its building blocks resemble nucleotides, NOT AMINO ACIDS.
Fill in the blank: The pandemic was Premeditated _________.
thanks for this info! It would be good to use a UNIQUE shortcuts, NCI can also stand for National Cancer Institute... The illegally (without consent) introduced GENE MODIFICATION treatments, mildly speaking 'gene therapies', which became the everyday's covid 'vaccines' is the biggest crime on this planet, and I'm afraid MANY of these docs on this list, knowingly PARTICIPATE in it, while NOT informing uneducated people what was done to them. In EU almost every one is talking these days about covid gene therapies, or gene based injections, everywhere, BUT NOT IN US, the land of the Rockefellers and Carnegies, the ones who gave medical licenses to all those above mentioned MD's. It is a CRIME beyond imagination. Thus the title of this post is WRONG, mod mRNA (NOT native mRNA BUT MODIFIED synthetic genetic material to extend its lifetime AND lower immune response), should be properly named in every single public document! RNA, no matter which form represent GENETIC MATERIAL, since its building blocks resemble nucleotides, NOT AMINO ACIDS.